Centre of Excellence for Organic, Printed Electronics & NanoTechnologies

CoE Partners

Nanotechnology Lab LTFN - AUTh

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Website: www.ltfn.gr

The Nanotechnology Lab LTFN (established in 1991 and directed by the PCo, Prof. S. Logothetidis (h-index=60) is internationally acknowledged for breakthroughs in Organic Electronics, Thin Films and Nano-materials Technology, Nanomedicine, Nanometrology, and Nanomanufacturing. LTFN mission is to promote world-class research and best-practices to address global challenges in Manufacturing, Energy, Electronics, Photonics, ICT, Health and Quality of Life, Agriculture. LTFN collaborates closely with the Physics, Chemis-try, Medicine and Engineering Departments of AUTh, and serves as a multidisciplinary basic and applied re-search lab, where excellent students from several Departments are trained and develop their Dissertations and PhD Thesis.

LTFN Coordinates/participates in EU and national R&I projects (in the 2018-2022 Coordinated 5 projects - 3 EU and 2 national), many of which were awarded as "Outstanding" and Success Story by EC, and con-tribute significantly to the Academic and Scientific impact, development and budget of AUTh. Since 2001 it succeeded to actively participate in the FPEs breakthroughs via coordination of EU FP5 & FP6 projects on FPEs (TransMach, Flexonics) the nanomaterials and encapsulation of OPVs & OLEDs, while the last decade LTFN succeed to attract competitive funding to develop processes and technologies for FPEs device fabrication (Olatronics) and in the design and installation of worldwide unique R2R, S2S and OVPD Pilot Lines (EU FP7 Rolemak & Smartonics, H2020 RealNano, FF2S, MUSICODE & National project GR-Light) for OPVs, OLEDs, OTFTs, Biosensors).

The R&I facilities of LTFN are installed in the Physics Dept./AUTh Campus and in the Center for Organic and Printed Electronics (COPE-H) Building, in Thermi/Thessaloniki. The total available space is ~ 2500 m2. The investment cost of the existing facilities is > 45M€. LTFN staff include 24 expert Scientists (Professors, faculty members, researchers, postdoctoral researchers, technicians) and disciplines (Physicists, Chemists, Biologists, Engineers, Doctors).

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University of Bordeaux

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Website: www.elorprinttec.u-bordeaux.fr

The University of Bordeaux (UBx) is a multidisciplinary, research-focused and international university which is ranked among the top French universities for the quality of academic courses and research. In 2011, UBx was rewarded by the French government for its strategy for Excellence. Via this Excellence program (25M€/year), UBx develops innovative training, research and knowledge transfer programs. UBx is a top-class education and research organization and counts about 56,000 students (including 6,800 international students) and 5,900 staff (including 4,000 academic and research staff). Its cutting-edge research activities are carried out in 88 research departments (Joint Research Units) associated with major research bodies (CNRS, CEA, INSERM and INRA). It has participated in 163 EU collaborative projects (H2020, FP7, Interreg), in-cluding 38 Marie Curie Grants of which 13 ITN. The “Bordeaux University Facility for the FPEs: from Molecules to Devices and System Architectures as well as their Commercialization” (ELORPrintTec) address the understanding, conception, innovation and integration of new materials to devices and systems in the disruptive technology of large area printable flexible organic electronics and nanosystems. It includes the full fledge of the SoA instrumentation for advanced top-down and bottom-up processing methodologies, syn-thesis and formulation robots and an ultra-high vacuum facility for material deposition, as well as tools for physical, chemical and electrical characterization, and a set of printing S2S Pilot Lines (screen and inkjet printing, slot die, flexography, heliography). The infrastructure is housed in a SoA 850 m² ISO6 clean room facility with 150 m² open office space.

Financial aspects: The financial and administrative management of ELORPrintTec is jointly owned by the UBx and by its private for-profit subsidiary named ADERA. ADERA is a private company (fully owned by public entities) created and controlled by the UBx/ADERA which handle the financial and administrative management of the UBx’s involvement in research projects. This may include, among others, the employment of personnel, purchase of equipment or consumables that ADERA puts at disposal of the University to carry out the work of the project, reimbursing the travel and accommodation costs for the researchers involved in the project, or any other necessary expenses. In COPE-Nano the key personnel involved are employed by ADERA.

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University of Cambridge

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Website: www.bioelectronics.eng.cam.ac.uk

The University of Cambridge is one of the most renowned Research/Higher Education Institute and is frequently ranked amongst the top 5 in international academic rankings such as ARWU and the Shanghai Ranking. It has a long-standing history of academic and scientific excellence backed up with rich culture, learning, research, and creativity. Many affiliates of the CAM have won Nobel Prizes for their significant advances. CAM will be represented by the Bioelectronics Laboratory (https://bioelectronics.eng.cam.ac.uk/), led by Prof. George Malliaras, who pioneers Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECTs) in bioelectronics. This Lab which comprises an interdisciplinary group of scientists, engineers and clinicians interested in interfacing electronics with living systems. The lab uses a push-pull model, where advances in science and engineering follow a translational pipeline to the clinic, while clinical needs inform science and technology development. Some of the innovations include: a) new experimental techniques to decouple ionic from electronic transport in organic semiconductors, b) charge transport phenomena at semiconductor/electrolyte interfaces., c) development of OECT, a device that uses mobile ions for its operation, d) interface of OE devices with the brain, using microelectrode arrays that provide cortical recordings with unprecedented spatial resolution (Nat Neuro-sci 2015), (Nat Commun 2013) and a novel brain implant that uses a to deliver drug with unparalleled spatio-temporal resolution (Sci Adv 2018), soft robotics and bioelectronics to minimize the invasiveness of neuro-surgery procedures in cortical areas (Sci Adv 2021).

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Project Information


Call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-01-two-stage
Type of action: HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Acronym: COPE-Nano
Title: Centre Of Excellence For Organic, Printed Electronics & Nanotechnologies
Duration: 72 months (1 May 2023 – 30 April 2029)