Funded Projects

"Automated Manufacturing Production Line for Integrated Printed Organic Photovoltaics (Flex2Energy)"

Call: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01
Type of action: HORIZON Innovation Actions
Duration: 48 months (1 January 2023 – 31 December 2026)

"Harmonisation of EU-wide nanomechanics protocols and relevant data exchange procedures, across representative cases; standardisation, interoperability, data workflow (nanoMECommons)"

Call: DT- NMBP-35-2020
Type of action: Research and Innovation action (RIA)
Duration: 48 months (1/2/2021-31/01/2025)

"An experimentally-validated multi-scale materials, process and device modelling & design platform enabling non-expert access to open innovation in the Organic and Large Area Electronics Industry (MUSICODE)"

Call: DT-NMBP-11-2020 "Open Innovation Platform for Materials Modelling"
Type of action: Research and Innovation action (RIA)
Duration: 48 months (1/1/2021-31/12/2024)

"Development and Preclinical Validation of biofunctionalized Nanoparticles for targeted delivery of anti-thrombotic and anti-oxidant factors to treat Atherosclerosis"

Coordination of LTFN
Duration: 24 months (2020-2022)

"RealNano - In-line and Real-time Nano-characterization technologies for the high yield manufacturing of Flexible Organic Electronics"

H2020 -DT - NMBP -08 - 2019
Coordination of LTFN
36 months (2020-2023)

"FlexFunction2Sustain - Open Innovation Test Beds for nano-enabled surfaces and membranes"

H2020 - DT - NMBP - 03 - 2019
Participation of LTFN
Project Coordinator: Fraunhofer FEP
48 months (2020-2024)

"Development of Efficient, Stable and Pb-Free Perovskite Solar Modules"

Call: SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund
ID: 20 - NSRF Τ12ΕΡΑ5-00074
Duration: 36 months (1/4/2021-1/4/2024 )

"CORNET - Multiscale modelling and characterization to optimize the manufacturing processes of Organic Electronics materials and devices"

H2020 - NMBP - 07 - 2017
Coordination of LTFN
Duration: 36 months (2017-2020)

"SMARTLINE - Smart in-line metrology and control for boosting the yield and quality of high-volume manufacturing of Organic Electronics"

H2020 - FOF - 08 -2017
Coordination of LTFN
Duration: 36 months (2017-2020)

"BASMATI - Bringing Innovation by Scaling up nanomaterials and inks for printing"

H2020 - NMP - PILOTS 2014
Participation of LTFN
Project Coordinator: UMICORE, Belgium
Duration: 36 months (2015)

"Development of smart machines, tools and processes for the precision synthesis of nanomaterials with tailored properties for Organic Electronics"

NMP.2012.1.4-1 Pilot lines for precision synthesis of nanomaterials
Coordination by LTFN
Project Coordinator: Prof. S. Logothetidis

Co-funded by the EU logo HORIZON Europe mindev gsri

Project Information


Call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-01-two-stage
Type of action: HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Acronym: COPE-Nano
Title: Centre Of Excellence For Organic, Printed Electronics & Nanotechnologies
Duration: 72 months (1 May 2023 – 30 April 2029)