Centre of Excellence for Organic, Printed Electronics & NanoTechnologies

Funded Projects

"Development of efficient third generation PV materials and devices to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises to the green energy production"

"Flagship actions in interdisciplinary scientific fields with a special focus on the productive fabric", Greece 2.0 – National Recovery and Resilience Fund

Duration: 27 months (2 Aug 2023 – 1 Nov 2025)

The European Union's green growth goal supports the application of new technologies in renewable energy sources with use of non-toxic materials with low environmental impact and low greenhouse gas emissions.

To achieve this target, 3GPV-4INDUSTRY brings together top and pioneers in the field of 3rd generation photovoltaic cells Academically laboratories and Research Centers aiming to exploit the so far knowledge and to stimulate further research development of emerging thin film based photovoltaic technologies perovskites, photovoltaics based on organic molecules and polymers as well as their combination in the form of overlapping layers (tandem cells) for the utilization of the results from productive tissue and the creation of new products in the area.

The action aims to create a networking environment in research and innovation in the space that will allow its exploitation high of stability, of low environmental impact, of low carbon footprint and high tech flexibility of emerging PV cell technologies third generation.

3GPV-4INDUSTRY seeks to establish and strengthen the partnership between internationally recognized laboratories in the new emerging photovoltaic technologies, providing production and sharing of knowledge, enhancing creativity and the cooperation and its results for the benefit of third parties. I will offers a portfolio of technology evaluation criteria for the creation of performance indicators that will define a technological roadmap for the development of a new type of technology of photovoltaic cells capable of producing higher densities power and with a wider range of applications than traditional PV based on silicon.

The challenge to overcome is to bridge the knowledge gaps between different researchers groups focusing on the design of new materials and devices, in the development of new provisions that could potentially be also transparent or have indoor applications and finally in their characterization and in stability studies so as to are counted as new type products.

The 3GPV-4INDUSTRY partnership will promote research excellence and contribute to development of the career of young researchers and PhD candidates (following the principles of gender balance) through networking, training, guidance and integration in research partnerships, contributing to the creation of new jobs and the creation of new products which will give impetus to a green growth and low carbon economy.

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Project Information


Call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-01-two-stage
Type of action: HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Acronym: COPE-Nano
Title: Centre Of Excellence For Organic, Printed Electronics & Nanotechnologies
Duration: 72 months (1 May 2023 – 30 April 2029)