Centre of Excellence for Organic, Printed Electronics & NanoTechnologies


COPE-Nano: Europe's first Green Nano and OE Center in Thessaloniki

The Cope-Nano project aims to modernise the Nanotechnology Laboratory LTFN of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) into an independent and sustainable Center of Excellence (CoE), leading internationally in the fields of Green Organic Electronics and Nanotechnology, Bioelectronics, and Nanomedicine.

Thessaloniki opens Europe's first green Nano and OE Centre
31/01/25 www.electronicspecifier.com

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Project Information


Call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-01-two-stage
Type of action: HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Acronym: COPE-Nano
Title: Centre Of Excellence For Organic, Printed Electronics & Nanotechnologies
Duration: 72 months (1 May 2023 – 30 April 2029)